CA John Lor Leads Frogtown Hmong Community Focus Group

John Lor, Tou SaiKo and Kia Xiong lead a great discussion with several members of the young Hmong community in Frogtown.  There was a general consensus that gardening was something that they grew up with, and continue to be a foundation of their parents’ generation, but hasn’t been as prominent in their contemporary lives.  There were several young parents in attendance, they were excited to have a new green agricultural resource in Frogtown to teach their children about the farming tradition in Hmong culture.

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Frogtown residents listen as John Lor explains why he got involved and how the project is important to his Hmong heritage and raising his children in St. Paul.


Tou SaiKo also advocates for the project, he is interested in the youth connection to the land and using the farm as an organizing tool for Frogtown.


John Lor ordered quite a spread.  A wise man once said,  ‘There’s no meetin’ without eatin’.

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